
G8 allows secure payments acceptance in retail stores and on-board planes, trains, buses and ferries. It separates payments processing logic from an EPOS or business application. G8 has been pre-integrated with a wide variety of PIN pads, business applications, payment switches, PSPs and acquirers and can run on tills, PCs, servers, tablets and smartphones.

G8 supports a broad range of payments acceptance functionality, multi-merchant implementations and P2PE. Comprehensive offline transaction processing features make it an ideal choice for airlines and transportation operators.

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  • Deploy as a cloud service or run within an enterprise data center
  • Provides high scalability, reliability, rapid deployment and ease of system integration
  • Supports true multi-merchant implementations for common use environments
  • As a Java application, G8 is server, operating system and platform independent
  • PA-DSS certified and Visa, Mastercard, EMV and PCI compliant
  • Deployed locally on EPOS tills/ECRs, PCs, workstations, servers, tablets or phones
  • Interacts with multiple devices, applications and systems as required
  • To maximise system availability G8 can be deployed both in the cloud and locally
  • Offline transaction processing and encrypted settlement files
  • PA-DSS certified and Visa, Mastercard, EMV and PCI compliant
  • G8 supports a plugin architecture to allow extra functionality to be added easily. Available plugins from STS include SmartNS, Emvelink and Touchlink.
  • G8 Cloud supports a thin client implementation for smartphone and tablet usage. Pedlr has been pre-integrated with secure PCI approved Bluetooth PIN pads for mobile payments acceptance.


Modern architecture

Java application providing portability and independence

Highly flexible design, created from unrivalled payments experience  

SDK allows easy and rapid customisation

High performance

Extremely fast transaction processing times

Designed for high transaction environments

High system scalability and reliability

Any card

Accepts all major credit, debit and prepaid cards

Supports contact chip, contactless and mag stripe technologies

Global platform including Online PIN support

Deployment options

Choice of cloud, local or hybrid deployments

On EPOS, server, tablet or phone

Multi-instance deployments delivering improved resilience

Functionally rich

Online and offline PIN support

International markets and multi currency processing

Secure offline card acceptance plus store and forward

Time to market

Fast project implementations and certifications

Rapid system integration and bespoke development

Quick to introduce new value added services


Comprehensive offline processing features

Extensive range of PIN pads, devices and applications supported

Isolates payments processing from business applications

Operations management

PayOp delivers comprehensive remote device management

Multi-vendor support and fast system integration

G8 works seamlessly with PayOp