Wednesday, March 5, 2008

STS have appointed new distributor ITOS Outsourcing Services to manage a network of resellers and provide local support and sales functions in Spain. ITOS have been involved in the payments arena in Spain for many years and have a range of their own PIN pads and mobile payment devices as well as their own POS applications. ITOS have an incredible understanding of the STS solutions from a technical perspective and this was just one of the reasons that led to their selection.

"We have been working with STS for 2 years on new EMV projects and moving to be their Spanish distributor was a natural next step for ITOS" said ITOS CEO, Nikolay Dimitrov.

ITOS' main lines of business include:

·         Distribution of peripheral devices for PDAs, like printers, magstripe card readers, smart cards readers, RFID readers, bar codes readers, etc.

·         Development of PDA software components as payment gateway for PDA Pago Movil(R), FastReader for barcode and magstripe reading, etc.

·         Custom design and manufacturing of hardware devices, firmware and software under specifications of the client.

ITOS is a partner of the main manufacturers of mobile devices, including HP, Palm One and Research In Motion (BlackBerry) and the Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre for the development of digital signature applications.

As a result of the innovative payment services based on mobile devices, ITOS has established close relations with the Spanish financial institutions and has participated in a R&D project leaded by Sermepa for the development of a mobile EMV payment solution.

"ITOS have established themselves as leading innovators in the Spanish market and we looked forward to great success together. Nikolay and his team have a high level of market knowledge and a successful roll-out of EMV in Spain will need such expertise" commented Business Development Manager, Oliver Fleet.

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